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A bespoke mentoring programme powered by 6point6

This article was originally published on 18 July 2023. 
You can read the original article on the 6point6 website here.



In 2022, 6point6 launched its Women in Tech mentoring programme, pairing homegrown talent with female tech leaders across the industry. To explore the benefits of mentoring, 我们的首席人事官苏·卡拉瑟斯与菲比·斯温顿和帕洛玛·瑞贝尔塔坐下来,了解更多十大网博靠谱平台导师的变革潜力.

作为一个行业,我们还有很长的路要走,因为女性的代表性仍然明显不足, making up just 26% of the total workforce. Addressing this is one of the greatest challenges of our sector, 在6point6,采取行动鼓励更多女性进入科技行业对我们来说也非常重要. 到目前为止,作为一家企业,我们已经采取了一些措施,让我们优秀的同事在他们的职业生涯中茁壮成长,我对此感到非常自豪——但看到我们的员工在这方面处于领先地位也令人难以置信, breaking down barriers, and championing the causes that matter to them.

我们的“科技女性”指导计划是我们为女性员工提供全方位支持网络的一部分,帮助她们成为未来的领导者. Pioneered by our people for our people, 该计划旨在使该行业对考虑转向技术或考虑大学或继续教育后职业道路的女性更具吸引力.

Effective mentoring delivered by strong mentors provides ample benefits, from more rapid career progression and higher salaries, to improved self-esteem, greater resilience and higher job satisfaction. 指导可以改变生活和职业,同时提高员工的保留率,最大限度地发挥潜力. 6point6的愿景是创造一个公平和温馨的环境,支持我们的员工真正发挥他们的潜力,同时鼓励更多的女性澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们蓬勃发展的员工队伍.

With this in mind, I spoke with Phoebe and Paloma, active members of our Women in Tech group, 聆听他们对指导项目取得巨大成功的宝贵见解.

Phoebe Swindon, Senior Cyber Security Consultant and co-founder of the Women in Tech mentoring programme

科技行业基本上是男性主导的,而在网络安全领域,性别差距只会越来越大, especially at the more senior level. 由此产生的连锁反应是,作为一名女性,我觉得我真的必须更加努力地证明自己. 这就是“科技女性”指导计划背后的推动力:我想创建一个网络,让我的同龄人与6point6以外的科技行业资深女性建立联系, helping them to gain external perspective and insight, and support their career progression.

我在公司的一次市政厅会议上提出了导师计划的想法,并立即得到了整个公司的支持. Rather than being imposed from the top, 6point6 provides time, 预算和资源来培养我们的基层思想——这是一种更有效的方式,因为它灌输了一种集体的主人主人感,创造了一种更有权力的文化,而不是自上而下的方法. 我们现在已经进入这个项目10个月了,我们开始考虑在更大的规模和雄心上启动第二阶段!

引用原话:“如果你想在你的组织里创建一个成功的辅导项目, you need an organic approach. 通过提供支持和资源,让员工在基层发挥创意,并成为推动者. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts!’"

Paloma Rebuelta, Senior Data Science Engineer and Women in Tech mentee

The mentoring programme came at exactly the right time for me. I joined 6point6 as a Data Science Engineer in 2021, 18个月后,我开始思考我的职业发展方向,以及我在职业发展道路上需要扮演的积极角色. I was matched with a mentor who was the ideal sounding board, 尤其是作为一个从外部带着客观视角来的人. She helped me create a path that resonates with my goals and values.

To tackle some of the challenges I faced in my career, 我们制定了一个计划,包括时间管理策略和生产力技巧,以培养高效的工作习惯. 与同事建立联系和扩大人脉是我的首要任务,我的导师通过指导我与不同资历和技术水平的人进行有效沟通,帮助我掌握了建立关系的艺术. 每个人在职业发展的每个阶段都需要指导. I highly recommend it!

Pull out quote: "‘I had my mentor’s undivided attention. She created a great environment – one that isn’t directive, 而是一个没有评判的空间,让我反思和公开我的目标和挑战. 她真的对我的事业感兴趣,并鼓励我思考解决方案和选择. 兼容性是成功指导的关键,我觉得我们是完美匹配的."

About the mentoring programme


6point6提供了一个培训工具包,以确保导师和学员有最好的开端,并创造良好指导所需的最佳环境. 我们于十个月前推出该计划,第二期预计于2023年9月推出, 我们的目标是扩大导师的数量,鼓励更多的女性成为导师.

Visit our career opportunities or contact our recruitment team to find out more about the mentoring programme and other staff benefits.


About the authors


Sue Carruthers 为员工和文化提供明确的战略,使我们伟大的团队能够实现出色的想法. She does this by aligning the HR roadmap to employee success, ultimately maximising the employee experience. Phoebe Swindon is a member of 6point6’s Cyber team. 菲比是6point6外联团队和女性科技团队的活跃成员, co-founding and launching the company’s Women in Tech Mentoring Programme. Paloma Rebuelta 是一名高级数据科学工程师,也是“科技女性”社区的积极贡献者, co-hosting the Women Excelling in Data annual conference launched in 2022.

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