

The impact that Covid has had on agencies and other tech businesses, has been unfair and unbalanced. It’s nothing that any of us could have eased with clever pre-planning, 远见卓识或难以想象的天才团队. 这意味着可悲的是, very talented agencies and tech companies have suffered, purely because their clients are in hospitality rather than supermarkets for example. 

So what does this mean for those of us who have been, 你可以说幸运, 考虑到我们客户群的性质? Is this great news, now we’ve whittled out some of the competition, should we rejoice?  

简而言之,没有. 在本文中, we outline the key reasons why now is the time to support each other, 因此, 科技行业作为一个整体, 而不是为别人的困难而高兴. As we, more than ever, want to embrace the community and work out ways to work through this together.


Companies like 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 exist to showcase the breath of tech and digital talent within the North West. This in turn attracts big brands to using companies in the region, that perhaps would otherwise have hired in London. These brands then attract their peers and even bring competitors into the fold, 这个地区繁荣起来了, the North West becomes THE place for tech and digital. Then comes investment from businesses and even councils with grants and the hosting of world-leading events ultimately, 支持各方共同发展.

把它想象成商业街. 你想在荒凉的地方开店吗, 被封闭的建筑, 让购物者没有理由路过, or would you rather a buzzing street that collectively attracts a great deal of footfall? Even if there’s another shop with a similar offering, together you’ll attract more of the right customers. 在购物世界里, it’s why specific streets or areas become famous for their offering, 珠宝(哈顿花园), 裁缝(萨维尔街), 面料(北区).

我们想要十大网博靠谱平台, 以及更广阔的西北地区, to remain one of the key places clients look to for their tech and digital needs. 


It’s easy to see any technology-based company or agency as a threat, but are we really in as much competition as we think? It’s likely that a brand will need lots of different, 利基领域的支持,如用户体验, 搜索引擎优化/ PPC, 技术构建, 数据分析, PR, 内容, 广告, 社交媒体等. It’s very unlikely that a client get absolutely everything they need from one company. More likely, they’ll use a couple of agencies and maybe a freelancer or two. So we’re often not in the competition we perceive ourselves to be. 

Embrace partnership and collaboration opportunities. 

这很好地引出了我们的下一点, given we’ve addressed that a client is likely to need a mixture of different skills, working together and partnering on project can present a far more compelling offering to a client. This can either be an very transparent partnership, where the client has different points of contact, 跨越每个公司. 或者是一个白色标签的机会, 客户在哪里与一家公司打交道, but benefit from the expertise of all the different niche areas. 

Should we be afraid of a little competition anyway? 

A bit of healthy competition is perfect for keeping your own business pushing forwards. We all know what it feels like when we’re on a treadmill, 努力寻找下一英里的动力, 当有人来到我们身边, suddenly we find that motivation to not only keep going but to pick up the pace. 

向竞争对手学习. Can you work together to the benefit of you both? For example, what have they tried and learned from, and what experiences can you share with them? Are there research opportunities you can joint-fund? The more you know about your competitors, the more you can differentiate yourselves. But if you don’t speak to them, you’ll never know. Harvard Business Review, use the term “competitive collaboration.“这是一件非常真实、非常有价值的事情.  

As mentioned above, there is enough work for everyone. And recently it’s been proven that we’re all in this together and, 冒另一个陈词滥调的风险, 我们在一起会更强大.

这对我们来说意味着什么呢 ACS? 好吧, we’ve been 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 members for a while now, 事后看来, we’ve not really embraced the community as much as we’d like. So if you’re reading this, then you’re likely in the same tech/digital space as us. Hopefully, we’ll get to meet you soon and who knows, we may even have a project we can share. So we look forward to meeting you, or catching up soon - albeit online for now. 

与此同时,祝你好运. Let’s keep the region’s digital and tech industry thriving.

