
生命中的一天: 丹尼尔·皮尔森, Workspace Operations Lead, CTS

Image with the text 'A Day in the Life: 丹尼尔·皮尔森, Workspace Operations Lead'

Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?

丹尼尔·皮尔森 is a (谷歌)工作空间运营主管 at Manchester based CTS, the largest dedicated Google Cloud practice in Europe.

我们采访了他们,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台这个角色的信息, their experience at CTS and what an average day looks like.

名称: 丹尼尔·皮尔森
公司: 云技术解决方案
职称: (谷歌)工作空间运营主管


说来话长... 我有运营背景,不是技术背景. I started my career managing pubs which really sparked my enthusiasm for great processes, 培训及客户服务, 反过来, 促进销售增长.

I then went on to work for a home services franchise, where I was a business coach and heavily involved in writing the operations manual and shaping the procedures and training for franchisees and their teams. Then I was at Halfords as a Commercial Sales Manager looking after the sales-operations for really big tyres.

在CTS的机会对我来说真的很令人兴奋. I have grown up in a tech world - one of my earliest memories is building computers with my dad on a Sunday morning - and I knew that everything I had learnt over the years would be transferable operationally, 我只是需要掌握谷歌工作空间. 幸运的是,CTS也知道这一点——所以我来到了这里!


一切! 虽然是人让它变得特别, I have never worked in such a positive and forward focused environment as CTS. Everybody works hard every day to drive the business in the same direction, 每个人都支持你, and nothing is too much when it comes to help and support.

Our people team work so hard to make sure that there are lots of events, 社交活动, 和乐趣贯穿全年, 现场和远程, and they are always focussed on new policies and benefits to make it a great place to work. In April we all went to Alicante for our company “Kick Off” which was an amazing way to get to know everybody, hear more about the company strategy for the next year and generally have a good time. I feel really proud to work for a company that works so hard to grow together.


我不知道从何说起... 没有哪一天是完全相同的!

I will always start my day by checking in with customer requests and account manager requests and ensure they are actioned to keep things moving along quickly for the customers. I generally check in on what renewals we have on the horizon and ensure that any action has been taken by me and the team to ensure we are on track with them and the customer has everything they need.

I spend time throughout the day answering questions and supporting my team and colleagues across the business with licence options, 合同, 把引语放在一起. I also join customer calls to help them with their licences options and ensure that we are providing everything that they need.

I block out some focus time each week to look at what we have coming up, how we can do things better and get a good gauge on where we need more focus. There’s so much more that comes into it, but this is the bulk of the day-to-day.


Providing a great service and retaining our fantastic client base is really important. Growing the business at a substantial rate requires a lot of hard work, 敏捷性和未来思维, 我喜欢在快节奏的环境中工作. In every job I’ve done before I felt that my ideas and suggestions were too forward thinking for the company I was working with, whereas I feel much more in tune with the growth and pace at CTS. 我的想法都被听取了, and I’ve had the autonomy to implement them quickly to keep the department moving forward, 不断改进和消除障碍.



当然,我学到了很多十大网博靠谱平台谷歌工作空间的知识, 如何与谷歌进行交易, Salesforce和许多特定角色的东西.

But we also have a fantastic “Workspace Community” group that is always sharing best practices and new releases from Google, 哪一个是不间断的,如此有用. I’ve learnt how a truly flexible workplace can be super productive, in fact much more productive and collaborative than anything I’ve done face to face.

在个人层面上, I’ve even had the opportunity to join the Environmental board, 这是我的一大爱好, so I’m learning about Carbon Reduction Plans and lots about how to be more sustainable!


要了解更多十大网博靠谱平台CTS的信息, 点击这里.

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