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中小企业是英国创新的命脉. 我们深入研究了最新的中小企业统计数据,探索它们对英国经济的贡献.

How many UK SMEs are there?

According to the Business population estimates for the UK and regions in 2023有5个.51 million SMEs, which make up 99.9% of UK private sector businesses. 5.其中5100万被归为“小型”(0至49名员工)。, 和36,905 are classed as "medium-sized” (50 to 249 employees).
A further 4,060 businesses could be classed as SMEs for R&D Tax Credits 雇用250至499人的目的(如果他们符合其他标准-见下文).

研究与发展中小企业的定义是什么&D) Tax Credits purposes?

在报告英国中小企业数量的同时,商业和能源部门 & 产业战略的基本标准是,小企业为0 ~ 49名员工,中型企业为50 ~ 249名员工.

For applying for R&D Tax Credits, the definition of an SME in the UK is more specific. 的 中小企业R&D方案 对中小型企业的定义是员工人数在500人以下,营业额在1亿欧元以下, 或者资产负债表总额低于8600万欧元(无论员工人数多少). 有几条规则可能会阻止中小企业通过中小企业计划申请, such as if the company’s R&D is subsidised, or if they are conducting R&D as subcontractors. 在这种情况下,中小企可根据 我国计划.

从2024年4月1日或之后开始的会计期间,这一过程会变得更简单, when SMEs must apply for R&通过一个新的单一计划,合并中小企业计划和rdc计划(当它们被归类为“R”时除外)&D intensive” SME, which means that the business’s R&D spend makes up 30% of their total expenditure).

你可以在我们的网页上阅读有关中小企业申请税务减免的完整标准 中小企业计划 page.

How many people in the UK are employed by SMEs?

的 government’s statistics show that in 2023 SMEs employed 16.在英国有700万人,占私营企业雇员总数的61%.

What is the turnover of SMEs in the UK?

的 government reports that turnover for UK SMEs was £2.2023年将达到4万亿美元,占私营企业总营业额的53%.

How many SMEs claim under the R&D Tax Credits scheme?

For the 2021-2022 tax year, HMRC estimates that 85,625 Small or Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) made R&D claims, 95% of all claims.

79,205 of these made 中小企业计划 claims, which break down as:

  • 37,455 claims for a deduction from Corporation Tax liability
  • 14,470 claims for a payable tax credit
  • 27,275项应缴税款抵免和所得税抵扣相结合的索赔

As well as this, there were 6,420 SMEs that claimed under the 我国计划.

Where are SMEs conducting R&D在英国?

For the 2021-22 tax year, 90% of businesses who made 中小企业R&D Tax Credits scheme claims were from England. 3% were from Wales. 5% were from Scotland and 2% were from Northern Ireland.
22% of 中小企业计划 claims came from London, 14%来自东南部,10%来自西北部,10%来自英格兰东部. 下表显示了申请R的中小企业的数量和百分比份额&D税收抵免,按地区按最近一个纳税年度分列.

中小企业R&D Tax Credits scheme claims by region 2021-2022

中小企业R&D Tax Credits scheme claims by region 2021-2022


For the 2021-22 tax year, the majority of 中小企业R&D Tax Credits scheme claims came from just three industries, including Information & 通信(23%),制造(22%)和专业,科学 & Technical (15%).


中小企业R&D Tax Credits scheme claims by industry 2021-2022

中小企业R&D Tax Credits scheme claims by industry 2021-2022

How many SMEs are led by women?

According to the government’s Longitudinal Small Business Survey: SME Employers – UK, 2022, 52% of SMEs have women in management roles. This figure breaks down as:

  • 18% of SMEs are women-led
  • 23%是“平等领导”,男性和女性担任管理职务的人数相同
  • 11% had a minority of women in management roles

最有可能由女性领导的行业是卫生行业(44%), Education (34%), Other Services (29%) and Food & Accommodation (28%).

How many SMEs are led by members from minority ethnic groups

的 government’s Small Business Survey 报告称,6%的中小企业由至少有一半成员来自少数民族的管理团队领导. 最有可能由少数民族成员领导的行业是信息行业 & Communication (9%), Health (8%), Food & Accommodation (8%), Education (8%) and Admin (8%).

Is the number of SMEs in the UK declining?

For nearly twenty years, there has been sustained growth in the number of businesses in the private sector with 0-499 employees; however, according to the latest HMRC数据在美国,中小企业的数量从2021年到2022年有所下降,到2023年开始恢复增长. 在下表中,我们展示了2010年至2023年英国私营部门中小企业的增长情况.



How many businesses are first-time applicants for the 中小企业R&D Tax Credits scheme?

We don’t have the full data from the 2021-22 tax year; however, we know that in the tax year 2020-21, 与前一年相比,首次申请的总人数减少了3%.

的 table below shows the number of first-time R&D Tax Credits claimants from 2000-01 to 2021-22.

the number of first-time R&D Tax Credits claimants from 2000-01 to 2021-22.


What do SMEs see as their main obstacles to growth?

在 2022 Small Business SurveySMEs reported the following obstacles to growth:

  • 的 level of energy prices (60%)
  • Competition in the market (41%)
  • Taxation, VAT, PAYE etc. (41%)
  • Staff recruitment and skills (40%)
  • Regulations/red tape (39%)
  • Other issues relating to costs (32%)
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (33%)
  • 退出欧盟(32%)
  • Late payment (29%)
  • National living wage (24%)
  • Availability/cost of premises (20%)
  • Obtaining finance (16%)
  • Workplace pensions (12%)

How many SMEs use external finance?

2022年 Small Business Survey 报告称,大约四分之三的中小企业(75%)使用某种形式的外部融资. This is up from 74% in 2021, 72% in 2020 and 63% in 2019.

How are SMEs most likely to innovate through R&D?

According to the government’s 2022 SME Survey:

  • 21%的企业在过去三年中通过改进生产或供应商品或服务的流程进行了创新
  • 15%通过引进新的或显著改进的产品进行创新
  • 25%通过引入显著改善的服务进行创新

虽然其中许多创新都是在各自的业务范围内进行的, of the SMEs that innovated new processes, 19% were new to the industry. 在创新产品或服务的中小企业中,31%是行业或市场上的新产品. 行业或市场的新产品和服务创新最有可能来自建筑业, (42%), Manufacturing (42%) or Information & Communications (51%).

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