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MD Tech Leader Talks with Phil Haslam, CTO at TalkTalk - The roundup

十大网博靠谱平台宽带提供商TalkTalk的主要关注点之一是即将到来的转型,将英国宽带网络从传统的铜线基础设施转移到全光纤. 政府已经向供应商发布了目标,希望到2025年,2500万户家庭可以使用全光纤(到道路上,而不是门口)。. 


Guests networking at Manchester Technology Centre for MD Tech Leader Talks

Phil Haslam, has been at telecoms business TalkTalk for 20 years, and the chief technology officer for just over two years. He was interviewed by Tom Huggon, 主要在激流回旋讨论遗留系统和即将到来的变化到全纤维, the future of AI within telco systems and his career to date. 

Phil talked us through the history of TalkTalk, which was originally born out of Irlam-based Opal Telecom, and was a subsidiary of Carphone Warehouse, de-merged in 2010. 该公司总部位于索尔福德,提供电话和宽带服务. 

激流回旋校长Tom Huggon(左)采访TalkTalk首席技术官Phil Haslam(右)

汤姆请菲尔谈谈他的职业道路:“在我职业生涯的早期,我大概每四年换一次角色,这反映了随着业务的发展而发生的变化. One of my reflections looking back, 对我来说,有机会管理一个网络转型项目对我来说是个关键时刻吗. 我仔细考虑了一下,决定有时候你必须向未知的领域迈出一步. It was the best thing I ever did. Getting to my current role was definitely a long-term ambition.”

TalkTalk moved its HQ to its Soapworks site in Salford in 2018, although it still has a presence in London. Phil explained, “该公司一直在西北地区有很大的足迹,但这仍然是一个大胆的举动. 但拥有这样的历史和文化是很棒的,因为我们在伊拉姆和沃灵顿一直都有遗址. It’s really important to be a part of the Greater Manchester tech community. We have an ongoing partnership with Salford foodbank, we have students from MMU, recently we sponsored the Great Northern Run with AJ Bell, 我们还设立了年度西北科技女性奖,以庆祝在我们行业工作的女性所取得的成就,并鼓励更多的女性澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台.”  

In terms of the current state of the telecoms and broadband industry, Phil explained, “We are in the thick of an IT and systems estate transformation. We’re modernising systems and there’s a journey into using cloud technology. 

“Within the industry, we’re looking at career paths and how our teams are made up, 随着工作角色越来越多地与软件有关,而不是传统的工程. This changes the shape of our teams.

“As a value brand, 在与其他电信公司的竞争中,我们必须利用技术来发挥优势. 我们面临的众多挑战之一是如何增加网络容量, 保持对互联网不断增长的需求的领先地位,而不是让消费者和我们的批发合作伙伴付出太大的代价——这将推动我们进行更多的创新.”

Tom also questioned Phil on recruitment and finding the right talent, which is always an ongoing challenge for every tech company. 他说:“留住人才是一场持续不断的战争,但人们要么呆5分钟,要么呆20年. 我们的沟通和参与团队确实有很多很棒的活动,还有很多再培训的机会. We do a lot to keep people within the business. There is a real vibe and there is definitely a TalkTalk family. 大家都互相支持,看到越来越多的人回到办公室真是太好了——尤其是为了我们的1英镑早餐!” 

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司董事长艾莉森·罗斯(Alison Ross)为菲尔回答观众的问题

Tom asked Phil about the challenges of emerging tech. “我们面临的挑战之一是,消费者有很多不同的技术——他们可能有智能扬声器, 智能电视或门铃等等,他们希望它能与他们的宽带和Wi-Fi技术无缝兼容. At the moment, the Internet of Things is still very fragmented with competing technologies, such as Zigbee and Matter, 频谱的竞争不断给我们带来新的挑战,让我们难以理解和接受.

“Of course, 只有生活在岩石下的人才不会意识到人工智能是目前最大的技术发展. 在TalkTalk,我们目前只是在水里试水,并以谨慎的乐观态度继续前进. For example, 我们正在使用人工智能来帮助指导联络中心的员工,并为他们提供正确的问题答案, and exploring how AI can help monitor the network.


“我确信人工智能将彻底改变我们所做的事情,但我完全期待在这条道路上有辉煌和挑战的时刻. But overall, it’s a great opportunity and of course, we will lean into it. 如果我们做对了,这有希望成为工业革命的下一个阶段. 机器和自动化给了人类思考更高层次事物的机会. 我认为这对我们所有人来说都是一个直角转弯,我希望我们能安全而出色地利用它.”

We’d like to offer a huge thanks to Slalom for sponsoring and hosting our June Tech Leader Talks event. 如果你想聊一聊激流回旋-他们的医生卡罗琳很乐意聊天:

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